30 decembrie 2008

Fotografia Atmosfera clasica / The Classical Atmosphere, album Experiente de fotografie / Photographic Experiments, Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania / Roumanie

Fotografia Atmosfera clasica / The Classical Atmosphere
album Experiente de fotografie / Photographic Experiments
Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania / Roumanie
KERUCOV .ro © 1997 - 2009

Fotografia Spre primii fulgi de nea / For The First Snowflake, album Orasul Bucuresti - Parcuri si gradini / Bucharest City - Parks and Gardens, Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania

Fotografia Spre primii fulgi de nea / For The First Snowflake
album Orasul Bucuresti - Parcuri si gradini / Bucharest City - Parks and Gardens,
Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania / Roumanie

Fotografia Caramizile si zidul / The Bricks And The Wall, album Orasul oarecare - Puncte peste asfalt / Some City - Spots on the Asphalt, Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania

Fotografia Caramizile si zidul / The Bricks And The Wall
album Orasul oarecare - Puncte peste asfalt / Some City - Spots on the Asphalt
Bucuresti / Bucharest, Romania / Roumanie